About GVGT

Gun Violence Group Therapy (GVGT) is a
group therapy program that will provide
emotional support and coping skills training
to individuals who have been impacted by gun


Location of Project

Philadelphia PA Community.


We want to support middle & high
school-aged youth and connect with
school/youth-focused organizations in
the community

How will the project address the needs of the community?

Our intervention will consist of intergenerational conversations, workshops and group counseling sessions led by skilled and trauma-informed facilitators, designed to empower participants with enhanced awareness of mental health, tools to positively change their own mental wellness, and sustainable connections to resources offered by the Community Based Organization and the City of Philadelphia.


●  Improve mental health outcomes of Black and Brown youth and families adversely impacted by the gun violence in the city of Philadelphia.
●  Skills building for OPE staff, Commission contingent, Black Men Heal & Community Partners
●  Tell the story to gain broader support from community and community stakeholders

What is the goal of GVGT?

To create a safe space for Youth and Families who have been impacted by Gun Violence.


Black Men Heal in Collaboration with OBME is launching a new therapy support group for Youth and Families. Through a trauma-informed approach, the groups will provide a safe environment where individuals who have been Impacted by gun violence in the Philadelphia area can receive education, mental wellness strategies and coping tools for healing.


With gun violence in Philadelphia having reached a record high since the Pandemic we recognize that many communities in the Philadelphia area are suffering from the impact. As a city we are experiencing collective trauma and we aim to help members address and more effectively move through the grief process through the use of education and collective trauma interventions.

Group Information:

These will be closed groups facilitated by trauma-informed mental health therapists. 

What GVGT Offers:

FREE 60-90 min informational session led
by Licensed Counselors & Certified Mental
Health specialists

If your school/organization would like to have us come present our free informational session to your youth please send an email gvgt@blackmenheal.org
or click the button to Visit